Several months later, on June 18th, 2012, Urban Dictonary user by Dane Cook, Facebook SpaceCrook posted a definition of "Oops! All Berries." They wrote, "A typically sarcastic or apathetic exclamation made when a miscalculation or mistake has been made most often, this applies when an individual has missed some cue to stop, thus creating a useless or bothersome excess." Lovenstein posted a parody entitled "Oops! All Shards of Glass." Two years later, on March 2nd, 2012, the webcomics artist Mr. Captain Crunch Christmas GIF - Captain Crunch Christmas Cereal GIFs. In the picture, the word "berries" was replaced with "oral lacerations," playing on the common complaint that Cap'n Crunch is a very sharp cereal that can cut your mouth. With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Meme Crunch animated GIFs to your.

On August 21st, 2010, Wordpress user Jimmi Bannanas posted the earliest known parody. The article was posted on November 3rd, 1999. One of the earliest includes satirical newspaper The Onion article "Quaker Oats Assembly-Line Worker Fired For 'Oops! All Berries' Incident," which treats the production of the cereal seriously and tells of a person fired for the cereal. I do crunches twice a day now Captain in the morning and Nestle in the Afternoon I was about to pour myself the last bowl of captain crunch, but my father snatched the box out of my hands. Jokes about the cereal Oops! All Berries have existed since the release of the product. Captain Crunch maple syrup inside Aunt Jemima maple syrup bottle by mittensthexcat4 942 views, 1 upvote Hulk hangry. The cereal's ad campaign and product name created a narrative that the cereal had been created as a mistake hence, the "oops." captain crunch Memes & GIFs - Imgflip fun Hot New 'captain crunch' Memes & GIFs Captain Crunch by discolu 2,459 views, 2 upvotes, 1 comment Aunt Jemima replaced with old white man. In 1997, the Quaker Oats Company introduced "Oops! All Berries" breakfast cereal, a line of Cap'n Crunch cereal that only contained berry-flavored crunch berries rather than a mix of traditional Cap'n Crunch pieces and crunch berries.